Download The Fifth Doctrine The Guardian Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Karen Robards Julia Whelan Brilliance Audio Books

With her back against the wall, everything's on the line for Bianca St. Ives. She's either going to save the world - or die trying.
It took one hell of an effort for the authorities to finally get the jump on master manipulator Bianca St. Ives, but now that they have, it's far from the capture she expected. Instead of taking her in, there's an offer on the table, a one-shot deal that would allow Bianca to walk away scot-free as if they'd never found her. And all she has to do is run one last mission - the kind she might never return from. But if Bianca wants to go back to her normal life in Savannah, it's not like she has a choice.
An intelligence operation is already under way in North Korea, one that's poised to end the country's existing tyrannical regime for good. But first, the US need one of their own to go undercover as the female hacker who recently stole top secret intel from NORAD. Enter Bianca. After everything she's seen, Bianca knows feeding fake information directly into the belly of the beast is about as dangerous as it gets. It could mean torture or endless imprisonment - assuming she survives. But it might also ignite the kind of chaos that forces a revolution. It might just change the world. Besides, if Bianca has to go down, she's gonna go down swinging...
Download The Fifth Doctrine The Guardian Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Karen Robards Julia Whelan Brilliance Audio Books
"This was a difficult review for me for several reasons. One, I truly believe these first 3 books could've totally been one book. As a reader I feel ripped off that I've now had to pay a higher price for each book which easily could've been one price for one book. I was very frustrated that several, several times in the story she spent pages and pages explaining the details of the pub or even just entering a room. Not necessary to move the story along and totally filler. Two, please tell your readers that this will be an ongoing series so they know not to expect a conclusion. Overall if you put the story into one book it would've been really good, however, now I feel disheartened with this author and will not be spending any more of my money on her future books with an obvious ploy to break up a story into many parts to make money off readers--hence the 2 star review."
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Tags : The Fifth Doctrine The Guardian, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Robards, Julia Whelan, Brilliance Audio Books, ,Karen Robards, Julia Whelan, Brilliance Audio,The Fifth Doctrine The Guardian, Book 3,Brilliance Audio,B07K4TJVKQ
The Fifth Doctrine The Guardian Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Karen Robards Julia Whelan Brilliance Audio Books Reviews :
The Fifth Doctrine The Guardian Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Karen Robards Julia Whelan Brilliance Audio Books Reviews
- This was a difficult review for me for several reasons. One, I truly believe these first 3 books could've totally been one book. As a reader I feel ripped off that I've now had to pay a higher price for each book which easily could've been one price for one book. I was very frustrated that several, several times in the story she spent pages and pages explaining the details of the pub or even just entering a room. Not necessary to move the story along and totally filler. Two, please tell your readers that this will be an ongoing series so they know not to expect a conclusion. Overall if you put the story into one book it would've been really good, however, now I feel disheartened with this author and will not be spending any more of my money on her future books with an obvious ploy to break up a story into many parts to make money off readers--hence the 2 star review.
- I would like to thank Karen Robards, Harlequin/Mira, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I read Moscow Deception (MD) and Fifth Doctrine (FD) back to back, so this is kinda-sorta a review for both. I’ve decided to have a love-hate relationship with this series. On one hand, I freaking love it, because it’s clever, fast-paced action with vivid description and likable characters. But on the other hand, I hate being teased. I wish these books would deliver what they promise, namely a deep dive into Bianca’s character and her relationships.
To be fair, Robards does a fantastic job giving Bianca some internal conflict, and FD stroked my romantic feathers (oh, boy, did it!). But I still wasn’t satisfied when I finished reading it. While I realize cliff-hangers and unresolved plot lines might be good for business—who cares if the readers are dissatisfied as long as they buy the next installment, right?—it’s really annoying when books cut corners. Lines like “Next time she had a couple of hours to spare she’d schedule an official freak out.†(MD, 82) and “Okay, pencil in a nervous breakdown for later.†(FD, 33) are so lazy—especially when you don’t pay them off! You might as well write I’m going to put character development on the back burner while I go to town in North Korea.
I want to get into the supersoldier conspiracy. I want Bianca to stand up to that smug buttwipe Mason and tell him to cram it up his crapper because he won’t be using her anymore (I wanted him to die, not gonna lie)—instead, she says that to Colin, who just wants to help her! Gah, that’s so frustrating. I want to get to know Hay and Doc and Evie, see Evie win against her rotten soon-to-be-ex.
Obviously I prefer character-driven novels, but to be clear, I don’t mind fast-paced action thrillers. I can appreciate them for what they are. What pisses me off is when they pretend to be character-driven when they are not. I enjoyed the subplot about Quincy, Sage, and the Bloods, as well as the one about Bianca’s co-workers and business, particularly Evie’s personal drama. But I cannot figure out how these subplots are at all relevant to the overall thriller plot. If you were to remove the Mission Save Francisca and Mission Save Evie scenes from MD, the rest of the plot wouldn’t be affected. Case in point, Robards didn’t even bother including any such scenes in FD, which resulted in more leg room for the action, better pace, and fewer disappointments.
MD gets 3 stars because of those irrelevant subplots, but FD gets 4 stars because it didn’t perpetuate those irrelevant subplots and finally got into the romance—wasn’t truly satisfying, but it was a lot more than we got in the first two.
Now, I’m assuming there’ll be another book. This surprises me, because I swear I read somewhere that it was supposed to be a trilogy. I don’t remember where I read it and I’m not going to hunt it down because it was years ago and it’s beside the point—there’s clearly going to be more books in this series. Or at least one. So BOLO because—darn them—I gotta know what happens next. - I have read Karen Robards before. This whole series was so disappointing. It was very fast paced--OK. Character development was totally lacking. I wanted to feel like I was rooting for the main characters to get together. After the first book, I thought it was going to happen in the second. So I waited patiently. Nothing. Third book, it happened, and I found that I really didn't care. I just never felt invested in the story.
- The Fifth Doctrine is the third in a series written by Karen Robards. Like the first two, I loved this novel.
While the author cleverly provides background contained in the first two novels enabling this book pass as a standalone tale, for maximum enjoyment, I recommend the reader read these three books in order. The character development provided in the first two novels makes them come to life allowing the reader to concentrate on new characters and this mesmerizing tale.
In this episode, Bianca St. Ives is feeling safe from those hunting her while running her security business. She returns to her office after Christmas shopping and finds, her nemesis, waiting for her in her office.
It is not the first time that Colin has tracked her down; however, Savannah, Georgia is no longer her safe haven. Since Colin was able to find her, she wonders who else knows where she calls home.
Colin tells her a CIA kill team is hot on her tail and her only chance for survival is to join his company on a special operation run by a higher authority than the CIA that can call off the hit.
That operation has her impersonating a female hacker who stole top secret Intel from NORAD. This dangerous mission involving a North Korean diplomat may put her life at an even greater risk than being hunted by the CIA kill team.
This hair raising tale takes the reader from Georgia to France, North Korea, and China with non-stop action.
I was absolutely intrigued by this spellbinding, suspense-filled, fast-paced, and highly entertaining thriller.
I enthusiastically recommend this tale without reservation to those who enjoy this genre.
Enjoy! - I absolutely loved this book. I hated to see the series (3 books) come to an end as each book was incredibly exciting with such detail as to make feel I was with them. The romance was much more believable along with just enough sex to make you want more. I always enjoy re-reading books but only after a certain amount of time so the details are new to me. I am counting the months until I can return to this series. Once I discovered Karen Robards, she quickly became one of my top 3 authors.
- This book is a roller coaster read. Bianca and Colin are finally working as a team and what a team and their chemistry is off the chart. The story content makes me think Ms. Robards is a secret spy and a writer as a second profession.
I hope there is a book four in the works. I love this series.